Month: November 2016

SBHC Survey

The Smackover-Norphlet School District’s School Based Health Center is seeking your help!

Please complete the following survey to provide us with feedback and information regarding the services provided through the School Based Health Center.

Click here to take the survey.

Community Service Project to Support Arkansas Children’s Hospital

Three years ago, Smackover High School Junior Reagan Richardson began a drive for Arkansas Children’s Hospital called “Feel the Love.”  Her purpose is to try to provide Christmas gifts for patients spending the holidays at ACH, specifically for teenagers. (Teens are not as much fun to buy for, so that age group tends to get overlooked!)

“Feel the Love” is beginning their big push for this year.  If you, your organization, church group, or family want to become  involved in something special, and then please consider donating on of the top 5 requested items for Christmas.

If you would like to help, you may purchase any of these, and take them to Reagan or her mother, Mrs. Aprile Richardson, at the high school by December 9th.  If you want to help, but you don’t like to shop, you are welcome to donate money, and they will do the shopping for you.


  1. Handheld games (word games and sport games)
  2. Adult coloring books and coloring pencils
  3. LEGOs (for older kids)
  4. Pajama bottoms
  5. Wal-Mart gift cards

They can always use sports team t-shirts, hats, and fast food gift cards.