Month: February 2022

SNSD School Choice Information

The Smackover Norphlet School District is excited to announce we are currently accepting applications under the School Choice program. The application deadline is May 1, 2022.

Application Process:   Arkansas 6-18-1905 (Application for School Choice Transfer)

According to Arkansas 6-18-15, an application under this section shall be accepted no earlier than January 1 and no later than May 1 each year. The student’s parent shall submit a school choice application (by regular mail, email, or hand delivered) on a form approved by DESE to the SNSD district AND to the student’s resident district. The district shall date and time stamp all applications the district receives as both the resident and nonresident district as they are received in the district’s central office.

No earlier than January 1 of each year, the superintendent will consider all properly submitted applications for School Choice. Before accepting or rejecting an application, SNSD will determine whether: (1) One of the limitations under 6-18-1906 applies to the application; and (2) the resident district has met its numerical net maximum limit on school choice transfers under 6-18-1906. By July 1, the superintendent shall notify the parent and the student’s resident district, in writing, of the decision to accept or reject the application.

Applications which fit within the district’s stated capacity standards shall be provisionally accepted, in writing, with the notification letter stating a reasonable timeline by which the student shall enroll in the district by taking the steps detailed in the letter, including submission of all required documents. If the student fails to enroll within the stated timeline, or if all necessary steps to complete the enrollment are taken, or examination of the documentation indicates the applicant does not meet the district’s stated capacity standards, the acceptance shall be null and void.

A student, whose application has been accepted and who has enrolled in the district, is eligible to continue enrollment until completing his/her secondary education. Continued enrollment is conditioned upon the student meeting applicable statutory and district policy requirements.

Applications will not be discriminated against on the basis of gender, national origin, race, ethnicity, religion, or disability.

The district may reject an application for a transfer into the district under Standard School Choice due to a lack of capacity. Any applications that are denied due to the three percent (3%) limitation cap shall be given priority for a school choice transfer the following year in the order that the district received and stamped the original application.

As per AAA guidance, students currently participating or interested in participating in athletics will need to complete the CSAP form below.

Varsity Athletics CSAP Form

JV Athletics CSAP Form

For questions regarding school choice, please contact Tena Henry at 870-725-3132.

Thank you and Go Bucks!!                                            

SES Students Participates in NED’s Mindset Mission

As you know we recently hosted an all school live stream event called NED’s Mindset Mission. We trust your student was encouraged by the show which taught about having a positive Mindset for learning and life!

Mindset Mission yo-yos are still available for purchase at school to support the free show and message. If your student has already purchased a yoyo, here is an important link to help them get off to a good start with proper string length adjustment: .

Additionally, here are a couple of our favorite follow up home resources from the Mindset Mission website. You may want to use these with your child as they are designed to go hand in hand with the program.

NED Coloring Face Masks-

Parent Encouragement Notes-

If you’d like additional resources, they are available at

And don’t forget to ask your student what they learned in the show about having a growth mindset from YET the Yeti, Captain Kindly and during NED’s visit on the spaceship!

Educating together!