Month: October 2022

True Colors

Students in Jade Center’s classes at Smackover High School are studying color schemes for houses and the color wheel. They used vanilla wafers and icing to create the primary colors and break them down into the secondary, and tertiary colors by mixing the primary colors to make secondary colors and finally tertiary!

It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like…

Smackover High School juniors Abby Brewer, Evan Phillips, and Belis Oral, and senior Glenda Confortini are helping change bulbs for the El Dorado Christmas tree that towers above the KTVE Station. 

Volunteer hours are still needed on Tuesday,  Nov. 1 and Wednesday, Nov. 2! If you would like to help, come join us at the Union County Fairgrounds from 5:30-8:30 p.m. on those dates this week.

SHS Pantry In Need Of Items

We would like to say thank you to all who have donated to the Smackover High School Pantry! However, we are currently in need of the following items:

Macaroni and Cheese
Canned Soups
Peanut Butter
Ramen Noodles
Pop Tarts
Little Debbies
Granola Bars
Snack Crackers

Feminine Products
Men’s deodorant 

If you would like to donate to the pantry please drop items off at the  High School office in care of Keitha Clark, Kerri Briggs, and Jayme Bruton.

Thanks for your continued support of this program and Go Bucks!

STEM Night Success!

Smackover-Norphlet School District’s 6th Annual STEM Night, hosted by Norphlet Middle School, was a huge success this week!  Everyone had a wonderful evening of activities and learning. We appreciate all who attended and we hope you enjoyed the evening with us! We would also like to extend our gratitude to the following partners who were so generous with their time, money and resources to make this event possible:

Army National Guard
Continental Carbonics
Cross Oil
Lockheed Martin
Murphy USA
SAU Tech
Smackover State Bank
South Arkansas Community College
South Central Service Cooperative
Sysco Corporation

SHS FBLA Attends Fall Conference

The Smackover High School FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America), recently attended their Fall Conference at Henderson State University. New FBLA Members were inducted at the event, as well as chapter officers. During the General Session, state officers from FBLA District IV high schools presided over district reports, reciting the FBLA Pledge and Creed, and introducing guest speakers, including Dr. Nathan Campbell, of Henderson State University, and Mr. Darin Beckwith, Director of Dawson Educational Cooperative. The 2022-23 service project, the Ronald McDonald House of Charities, was also introduced. 

Smackover High School’s FBLA Officers for 2022-23 are Kristian Welch, President; Trazure Shutes, Vice President; Natasha Beverage, Secretary; Kylah Hall, Reporter; Makayla Buggs, Treasurer; and Aniyah Murdock, Parliamentarian. Mrs. Janie Looney is the faculty advisor for the club. 

Along with the officers, the following students attended the Fall Conference: R.J. Boone, Sarah Cook, Saylar Cropper, Jada Ferguson, Lilly Fife, Abby Fogle, Madison Franklin, Jillian Gorman, Brennan Holland, Aries Lacroix, Kierra Levingston, Ashlyn McNeely, Kayden Olds, Courtney Pell, Evan Phillips, Macie Reed, Lane Schafer, Anna Spradley, Alyssa Thomas, Caden Webb, Ba’niya Welch, Riley Williams, and Zach Womack. Ms. Veronica Jenkins also accompanied the group.